Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Like a kid again...

While growing up, there are just certain things that you have to have done to have a successful childhood.  Such as, jumping from pillow to pillow to couch to avoid falling in the lava, hula hoop, roller skate, jump rope, ride a bike...you get the idea.

Well this last Saturday was date night with our best friends ever Josh and Lindsie!  And when I say best friends I mean we have all known each other for so long (I met Josh when I was 12! And he introduced me to my hubby at 14!) that we are 100% comfortable around each other.  Sometimes a little too comfortable but I will leave that for an entirely different post!

So for our date night we got all dressed up (sort of) and hit the town!
Here is me and my amazing (and hot) husband on our way to dinner.  

We met up with our friends at a cute little Italian place that none of us had ever tried before (and sadly probably won't again).  Sounds like a pretty normal double date so far right?

Next we decided that we wanted to do something that none of us had done in years, YEARS!!! Guess what?

Starlight Skating!  Or rollerblading in my case! (Even as a little kid I could never stay up on roller skates...strange?)

I don't think I had been to a skating rink since I was in middle school, at least.  Ben and I did go ice skating for our 4th anniversary, but for some reason that seems more romantic than childish. So childish it was tonight!  
Here is the 4 of us (sorry for the blurry pic, we had a 10 year old giggling girl take the picture, enough said.)  But we were so excited to get on the floor!

Rockin' the blades.  We even did "time trials" for one lap around the rink, not surprisingly to me, I totally dominated and won by about 3 seconds.

Aren't they cute!  They obviously felt more comfortable on the skates than Ben and I did!

We had so much fun skating and I felt just like a kid again...and believe me, there were TONS of kids there.  The 10 year old giggling girl that took the group photo for us was so smitten with Ben, she kept telling him "You are just so cool, even the teenagers think you are cool!"  It was really sweet, and of course it helped boost Ben's ego a little.  But I think he is pretty cool too.  

I'm thinking that for one of our birthday's coming up we should rent out the skating rink and invite all our family and friends!  It would be a great party!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Soon to be...

Oh the joys of buying a house with an unfinished basement!  Of course there are pro's and con's to everything so here are some from my basement...

Pros                                                  Cons
I can make it my own                        Starting from scratch is a little daunting
I get to choose the layout                  It's expensive
Expanding is exciting                       It takes FOREVER!!!

I could probably list a few more cons to having an unfinished basement, but this is intended to be a happy post!  Why you ask?  Because we are slowly but surely getting it finished.  The framing is finished, electrical will be done in the next 2 weeks.  The tub/shower is set in and plumbing is finished.  But the most exciting part of it all is going in soon.  Now I really had to fight for this, I am so in love with it, and my only winning argument was that it would be great for resale value down the line.  The big reveal...

Isn't it beautiful?  I know!  The only differences will be instead of the wood paneling it will just be the white boarding (wood won't really match my decor plans).  The back of it will be closed off, and inside the bench will be pull out storage!  I am so excited to add this to my basement it makes me want to scream.  Like I said I really had to fight for it, so I am sure I will be putting it to good use with all of my reading!  I give you all permission to be jealous now.  Go on, it's okay :)

Friday, February 3, 2012


Overwhelmed just doesn't quite cut it these days. I think that everybody tries really hard to do their best most of the time, they really do. And with trying comes both success and failure. Let me just tell you right now that I do not do well with failure (I'm sort of a sore loser, just a little). Some of my friends even say that I am borderline OCD with some of aspects of my life. And part of being my OCD, overachieving self means that I put a lot on my plate.
School (20 Credits)
Teaching 5 days a week
Book Club
Single Mommy most of the time since Ben works away
Homework (both mine and Adam's)
Baking (more of a stress reliever)

All this stuff adds up to a very busy...well...me. And another part of my OCD, overachieving self, tends to bottle frustrations up inside. Today was a tough day, not buy any measure terrible, but just an off day. And it got me thinking about why I think I have to be so "on it" all of the time. Why am I beating a dead horse so to speak over why I am having my "off day" today? Something to think about, something to work on. I know I already posted my goals for 2012, but I am going to add one tonight.

Don't criticize yourself so much! You don't have to do everything perfectly!